Anonymous, May 3, 2024 - 10:29 pm


Watch Our Online Services Here

In- Person Worship

We offer a variety of traditional, contemporary, and blended services at 8:15 am,  9:30 am, and 11 am. Members and guests will be able to stream the message from the comfort of their own home by joining us on Facebook Live during the 11 am service. 

There is a Sensory Friendly worship service offered at 6 pm on the 3rd Sunday of the month. These unique services provide moderate lighting, lowered sound volume, and are fragrance- free for our sensory sensitive attendees. We ask that those in attendance refrain from perfumes and incenses to help accommodate. 

Types of Worship Music


Chancel Choir: The Chancel Choir meets on Wednesday from 6:30- 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary for rehearsal. The choir assists with worship leadership by providing music for our 11:00 am worship service as well as seasonal and other special services throughout the year. The choir always welcomes new members and is growing steadily! The music the Chancel Choir provides is a beautiful blessing in our worship services.